
Hours by User Report

To export the Timesheet data, select ‘Hours by User Report’ from the menu, as shown below:

The exported file will be downloaded in a ‘CSV’ (Comma-separated values) format, which can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

Note: You can select multiple weeks to report on.  In the ‘Week Ending’ field, select the first date required, then holding down the shift key, select all other Week Ending dates.  Each selected Week Ending date will be highlighted in blue. 

If you wish to reset the options, select ‘Reset Search’

A message is shown (as below), confirming your export is ready. Select ‘Download’, and the exported file will be downloaded for you to use.

The exported file will be downloaded in a ‘CSV’ (Comma-separated values) format, which can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

Hours by User Report Fields

The fields in the Hours by User Report are shown below, with guidance notes:

Data Export FieldsNotes
Employee NumberEmployee Number as set by System Administrator
Clock NumberClock Number as set by System Administrator
First Name
DayDay of Week
Day TypePrimary Day Type (e.g ROS / WNRD, NRD, AL etc)
Start TimeStart time of Primary Day Type
End TimeEnd time of Primary Day Type
Hours / MinsTotal hours of Primary Day Type
LU StartLU (Lunch) Start Time
LU EndLU (Lunch) End Time
LU MinutesTotal LU (Lunch) Hours / Minutes
LU CommentsLU (Lunch) Comments recorded
AH StartAH (Additional Hours) Start Time
AH FinishAH (Additional Hours) Finish Time
AH HoursTotal AH (Additional Hours) Hours
SBStand By Recorded
CO StartCO (Call Out) Start Time
CO FinishCO (Call Out) Finish Time
CO HoursTotal CO (Call Out) Hours / Minutes