
Status Report

The ‘Status Report’ provides a complete view of timesheets for all device users and the status they are in.

Select ‘Status Report’ from the menu, as shown below:

You will then be shown options to ‘filter’ the timesheets.

After selecting the required filters, select the ‘Timesheets’ button.

You will then be shown a list of Timesheets, matching your filtered options.

If you wish to reset the options, select ‘Reset Search’

Guide to Filter Options

The filter options allow you to return data based around the items you have selected to filter on:

Week Ending:

All past weekending dates for which timesheets have been submitted plus 4 week ending dates in the future. – The week ending date will always be a Saturday.

Submitted By:

This list will comprise of all timesheet app device users created.


This list will comprise of all timesheet app supervisors created.


This list comprises of:

Submitted – These are timesheets that have been Submitted by the Timesheet App user for approval

Approved – These are Timesheets that have been Approved by the Supervisor

Rejected – These are Timesheets that have been Rejected by the Supervisor, and awaiting correction by the Timesheet Web App user.

In Progress – These are timesheets that have been started by the Timesheet App user, but pending submission.

Not Started – This will bring back a list of all users who haven’t started a timesheet.


Filter records by Area, as set against user.

Work Type:

Filter records by Work Type, as set against user.

Employed By:

Filter records by Employed By, as set against user.


Filter records by Depot recorded on the selected weeks timesheet.

Weekly Pattern:

Filter records by Weekly Pattern recorded on the selected weeks timesheet.